Saturday, October 22, 2011

Who Owns the Federal Reserve?

'Who Really owns the Federal Reserve???

Because I've argued for years and years that the United States of American does not own the Federal Reserve!

But everyone I argue with says they do!

And that goes for some really well educated and prominent people Vern!

Well....... I concede, I quit, I admit I was wrong all these years.

I finally agree, The Untied States of America owns the Federal Reserve!


Who owns the United States of America?

Well the people of the United States of America own the United States of America and everyone would have to agree to that. Right Vern?


Who owes the National Debt Vern?

Well the Government of the United States does, I mean they are the ones that keep borrowing money from the Federal Reserve, Right Vern!

Which is owned by the United Stated of America which is owned by the people of the United States of America. Right Vern?

Are you with me so far Vern?


Everyone in the United States of America that wants to forgive the National Debt please raise your right hand!

There you go Vern, End of problem.'

Welcome back to a dept free country America!!!!

"I place economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers. To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt."

-Thomas Jefferson

"You are a den of vipers. I intend to wipe you out, and by the Eternal God I will rout you out...If people only understood the rank injustice of the money and banking system, there would be a revolution by morning."

                             -Andrew Jackson

Since 1913, America has been running on a debt driven economy due to the Federal Reserve Act.  The "Fed" has in no way, shape, or form any connection with the U.S. government.. They are a private company or bank who writes off notes (gives money) to our government.  Our government borrows this money and takes on debt which is owed back to this private organization on top of interest.  Therefore, our country is in debt everytime the government circulates more money into the economy.

Who is the government borrowing money from if they, for some reason, cannot create their own money?  The Federal Reserve.  Well who owns the 'Federal Reserve'?  The Federal Reserve is owned by a few very, Very wealthy bankers (people).  There are ten member banks that run and 'supply' the federal reserve, but all of these people and their banks are predominantly ran and owned by the Rothschilds.  The Rothschilds' created their empire long ago and have dominated the world ever since.

Essentially, my point is that a huge portion of our national debt is owned by the U.S. itself and aside from the debt we owe to foreign governments, could be erased from the books as easily as it was created.  Never will this be the case though; our country has been structured to run off of debt ever since the creation and establishment of The Federal Reserve.

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