Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Perspective on the 'Occupy' Movements

The purpose of the 'occupy' movement is to take a stand against corporate & government greed. Corporations are basically owned by the government nowadays, and this is where the problem stems from. A few quick examples of what I am trying to say: Government bails out GM motors for however many billions. . will GM be paying back in full ask? (Sure, thousands and would have been without a job if the big Gov. didn't bail them out, but that's how business works sadly.) Government bails out banks and what not for billions of taxpayer's dollars.. I for one do not appreciate the fact that some banks cannot manage their money well enough to the point where they need millions and 'illions in bailout money. Aren't banks and their executives supposed to have first class education and be smart enough not to completely fail at doing their jobs? They get paid to manage money for crying out loud. Government bails out the government for ta-ta-ta-trillions!! How many more bailouts do we need to see in a decade before we decide that those who are in charge of this country need an overhaul on the thought process which has led to this nearly decade long recession? The thought process is not the only thing needing a CHANGE in my opinion of HOPE.

People!! You are not paying taxes for parks, road contruction, health insurance, and any other irrelevent things. . you are paying taxes to bail out the bad decisions that we have seen for a decade. Taxes are good to an extent don't get me wrong, but they are worthless from the point of what is being made and done with them, not that I know what is being done with them anyways; my point is obvious regadless of where OUR money is going because "we" are still in debt without the slightest que of economical recovery. I ask myself this: how can a nation's economy thrive or prosper when their government's economy, if you will, be in such ruins? How can the people turn a profit when the government, who supposedly is the people?, has not turned out a profit in a decade? Another question I ask myself, which is quite exaggerated and off point, is what if I was granted an erroneous personal bailout of let's say, 1 million big ones? Would I be able to get out of debt and invest my money to the point where I could prosper and help other's out of goodwill because I am no longer am a slave? That question is a LOL question and I probably should not have mentioned it as it makes myself and my brain seem stupider, lol.

How many nearly missed government shutdowns, bailouts, wars that we have no clear reason as of why, supercommitees making no progress, politicians babbling about things they will never do, politicians and political schemes within the government that severely hinder the true well being of the people and country for the sake of the party, and protests do we need to see before we decide it's time for a CHANGE, and not just HOPE.

Prayer is the best protest.

Living faithfully is the best change.

God is the only hope.

peace out

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